Academic & Research

Conference Presentations

49th IUGA Annual Scientific Meeting, Singapore 2024 Laparoscopic and robotic native tissue apical prolapse surgery workshop masterclass - Laparoscopic/robotic uterosacral ligament uterine suspension - Robotic autologous fascia lata sacrocolpopexy/sacrohysteropexy

Autologous Fascia Lata for Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse: A Minimally Invasive Graft Harvesting Technique

UGSA ASM Melbourne, November 2023

Robotic pelvic floor surgery workshop - exploring the Versius system (Uterosacral ligament uterine suspension & Burch colposuspension)

IMRA robotic workshop - Autologous fascia lata harvesting & sacrohysteropexy, hysterectomy using hydrogel model & robotic simulation

Laparoscopic & robotic-assisted laparoscopic modified Burch Colposuspension: An efficiency based approach (Awarded Best Video Abstract)

Role of haemostatic agent during pelvic floor surgery

AGES Beyond the Pelvis, Melbourne October 2023 Autologous Fascia Lata Sacrohysteropexy for treatment of uterine prolapse (Awarded Best Video Communication)

48th IUGA Annual Scientific Meeting, Hague June 2023
Laparoscopic and robotic uterine sparing apical prolapse surgery innovation workshop masterclass - Laparoscopic & robotic uterosacral ligament uterine suspension - Robotic autologous fascia lata sacrohysteropexy

UGSA ASM Sydney September 2022
Uterosacral ligament suspension: Laparoscopic & robotic
Robotic workshop - Tips & tricks to robotic uterosacral ligament uterine suspension, Burch colposuspension, fascia lata harvesting & preparation

AUGS/IUGA Joint Scientific Meeting, Texas, Austin June 2022
Fascia lata use in female pelvic floor reconstruction surgery workshop

Virtual IUGA conference December 2021 (Long Oral Presentation)
Traditional polyvinyl chloride ring pessary versus silicon irregular hexagon pessary for pelvic organ prolapse: a randomized trial

UGSA ASM Gold Coast 2019 & IUGA Nashville 2019
Bilateral sacrospinous ligament flap for vaginal apical support:  cadaveric study

27th National Conference on Incontinence, Hobart 2018
Assessment and management of Recurrent UTI and microscopic haematuria
Assessment and management of urethral diverticulum

Oral poster presentations ICS Florence 2017
Robotic and laparoscopic sacrocervicopexy with subtotal hysterectomy for management of uterine prolapse

Laparoscopic and robotic sling sacral hysteropexy for uterine prolapse

E-poster abstract presentation ICS 2017
Intravesical botox injection for refractory overactive bladder: Comparison of 2 different protocols and adverse outcomes

Current Research

Sacrohysteropexy using autologous fascia lata for treatment of uterine prolapse: Initial experience and outcomes

Primary surgery for treatment of stress urinary incontinence. A retrospective comparative study of modified Burch colposuspension and retropubic mid-urethral sling

A non-randomised comparison of the expanded autologous fascia lata augmented anterior vagina wall repair versus native tissue anterior colporrhaphy (FLAiR study) The objective of this study is to evaluate the surgical technique of the expanded autologous fascia lata (EAFL) to treat anterior vagina wall prolapse and also to compare the anatomical and functional outcome to native tissue anterior colporrhaphy. It is hypothesised that EAFL technique will be comparable or better than native tissue anterior colporrhapy but not effectively worse than native tissue anterior colporrhaphy (recruitment completed).

Minimally invasive abdominal sacralcolpopexy using autologous fascia lata compared to mesh sacralcolpopexy for apical prolapse: The SCUFL study This study aim to describe the surgical techniques of laparoscopic and robotic autologous fascia lata sacralcolpopexy for bothersome apical prolapse and report 1-year anatomic and functional outcomes in a multicentre setting (recruitment completed)

Autologous fascia lata use in pelvic floor surgery
Study describing our initial experiences in autologous fascia lata use in pelvic floor reconstruction surgery

Completed Research / Publications

  1. Yong C, Roofi M, Carey M. Sacrocolpopexy: Alternatives to mesh grafts. International Urogynaecology Journal Oct 2024.

  2. Yong C, Dune T, Shaya R, Mckenzie D, Cornish A, Carey M. Silicone Irregular Hexagon Pessary Versus Polyvinyl Chloride Ring

    Pessary for Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Randomised Controlled Trial. International Urogynecology Journal Oct 2024

  3. Cameron-Jeffs R, Yong C, Carey M. Robotic-assisted gynaecological surgery in Australia: a current trends, challenges and future possibility. ANZ Journal of Surgery (2021)

  4. D Gopinath, C Yong, S Harding-Forester, F McIntyre, D Mckenzie, M ZCarey. Laparoscopic and robotic-assisted suture versus mesh hysteropexy: A retrospective comparison. IUJ 2022

  5. Bilateral sacrospinous ligament flap for vaginal apical support:  cadaveric study (Awarded $20,000 UGSA Research Scholarship 2019)

  6. Robotic and laparoscopic sacrocervicopexy with subtotal hysterectomy for management of uterine prolapse

  7. Laparoscopic and robotic sling sacral hysteropexy for uterine prolapse

  8. Intravesical botox injection for refractory overactive bladder. Comparison of 2 different protocols and adverse outcomes

  9. B Haylen, S Naidoo, C Yong. Posterior vaginal compartment repairs: Where are the anatomical defects? IUJ 2016; 27:741-745

  10. Perioperative complications following unilateral versus bilateral vaginal sacrospinous fixation (Unpublished study – Middlemore Hospital, New Zealand 2014)